Developer Guide

Game requirements

Game must be easy to play.

Your game should have simple instructions in the description, or embedded into the game. Games should have an understandable concept to provide players with the most fun experience.

Game must not have any adult content.

Your game must be family-friendly to be fit for our website. We provide our players with a family friendly experience. NSFW or adult content is not allowed. Any game with NSFW or adult content will automatically be rejected.

Game must be made by you.

Your game must not be a clone of a game. It cannot be a copied game, unless it is a sequel of your own game. If you have game recommendations for a game not made by you, you can join our Discord server to submit your suggestion.

There should be no branding or external ads.

You should remove all splash screens and outgoing links from the game, i.e. don’t display any developer or game logo during the onboarding. You can incorporate your logo into the loading screen instead. Please take the time to remove any embedded ads from your game.

Incognito support (recommended).

Google’s Incognito Mode restricts access to localStorage, so you should wrap your localStorage operations in a try/catch block to avoid this problem and make your games playable on Incognito Mode.

Submission Process

1. Submit your game

Submit your game on the form, and review our SDK guide.

2. Wait for results

It may take us up to 2-5 business days to review your game. This includes testing for bugs and checking if the game matches the requirements.

3. Final decision

You will recieve an email with the final decision regarding your game. If your game has been approved, expect to see it on our site soon, but we may send you an email regarding your game. If your game has not been approved, you will recieve an email with the reason of disapproval. If your game has not been approved, you can tweak it and resubmit to match the game requirements.